There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

Community Spotlight: Moss Baby

We're putting Moss Baby in the spotlight, with their brilliantly stylish and hilarious artwork, guaranteed to improve your day.

Night Springs & Summer Game Fest Coverage

From Night Springs to Alan Wake 2's physical edtions, we follow Remedy's journey at Summer Game Fest and Play Days.

A Conversation with Tiia Öhman

We recently spoke Tiia Öhman about working as a photographer on the Alan Wake 2 set. Her stunning work can be seen in-game, in marketing, and on merchandise.

An Open Letter from Sam Lake / Alan Wake Remastered

Alan Wake Remastered is coming! Read Sam Lake's open letter announcing the new game, his passion for Wake's debut adventure, and release details.

Our Conversation with Matthew Porretta, the Voice of Alan Wake

To celebrate the game's 10th anniversary, we sat down with Matthew Porretta, the incredible voice actor behind Alan Wake, to talk about his experiences and memories.

18th September 2024
Jessica Preddy Talks Rose Marigold In New Alan Wake 2 Actors Interview [& Transcript]

Remedy has uploaded the third in a series of interviews which takes a closer look at Alan Wake 2's brilliant cast. Previously, we've seen Peter Franzén, as well as Melanie Liburd, and Ilkka Villi in the spotlight, but in their new video they sat down with the actor behind everyone's favourite waitress, Jessica Preddy. 

While the video is brief, it gives us plenty of new information; from Preddy's approach to the role and her version of Rose Marigold, to how the character has changed in the ten years she's been away. 

One particularly interesting snippet that Preddy reveals is the workshop process for the character,"A lot of references we talked about in the workshopping were sitcoms from the 1950s or 60s. It's like Rose will watch something and mirror something because she knows that's what is a normal act for a human to do. But she doesn't quite do it, in a completely human way. "

It's an aspect of the character which is lurking under the surface, but is obvious when pointed out. It's also likely to be an aspect about Rose that makes her very relatable or easy to empathise with for a lot of people, without them being able to pinpoint exact what. Just to name one of the main possibilities is social anxiety; being so anxious about a group gathering that you are literally going through test conversations in your mind, and trying to sound "normal" before people arrive. On top of that, Rose is also a deeply likeable and warm character, neatly fitting into the weirdness around her while also feeling like a safe haven. That concoction is the reason that character is highly loved.  

As I mentioned before, it's a short video but packed with goodness. You can check it out in full, below...

Question: What's it like playing Rose?

Jessica Preddy: I have to say it's a little bit intimidating, stepping into the shoes of Rose. I know the players all adore her so much, and that's a lot to take on. You don't want to let anybody down. When I was doing prep work for Rose, and throughout the casting process, I really did lean a lot on the thematic elements from the first Alan Wake game. And then I went, and I looked at some of the references to really embody that sort of small town feel that Rose has, but again, like we've talked about, she's different in the sequel.

[Introduction] Jessica Preddy: Hi, my name is Jessica Preddy. I'm here to play the role of Rose.

Question: Describe Rose?

Jessica Preddy: Rose... when we pick up with Rose again, she has lived through some experiences between the last time the player saw her and where we're picking up with her now. She is drawn by  the darkness a little bit more. It's insidiously crept into her head a little bit. So, when the players see Rose for the first time in the sequel, they'll recognize elements of the Rose that they all fell in love with, but something has changed. She's not aggressive. She's never mean. She's not a malicious character. In her world-view, she's always doing the right thing for Alan, but there's a little bit of a darker feel to her this time.

Question: Where did you draw inspiration from?

Jessica Preddy: A lot of references we talked about in the workshopping were sitcoms from the 1950s or 60s. It's like Rose will watch something and mirror something because she knows that's what is a normal act for a human to do. But she doesn't quite do it, in a completely human way. And I think when she interacts with characters like Saga. Saga clocks onto that very quickly and is thinking, "Hang on a second. What's going on here? What's going on in this character's mind?"

Question: How does Rose feel about Alan?

Jessica Preddy: In addition to running the Oh Deer Diner and helping out at Valhalla Nursing Home, I think Rose's third job is President of the Alan Wake Fan Club. She is absolutely obsessed with him and not in an infatuated or a crush kind of way. This is like her life's calling to be the vessel through which Alan Wake speaks. She's constantly looking for messages from him in anything she does. And she takes that very, very seriously. And it will push her to do things that she, as Rose, would normally not do. But if she thinks Alan's telling her to do something, no questions asked. She will show up and she will be there and do whatever it takes to serve as the next stepping stone in his story.

Question: What's it like working on Alan Wake 2?

Jessica Preddy: I really think Remedy are pushing the boundaries of gaming with the Alan Wake sequel. I have worked on motion capture before, but never in a way that blends cinematic elements with the video game technology and the motion capture technology. And it's really exciting to be able as an actor to go in there, block it, flesh it out physically, but then also have this whole journey ahead of us at this point in time where we can shoot it like a film and really bring that filmic quality to the scenes when you're interacting with your other cast members. So it's completely different to what I've ever done before.

[In-Game] Rose: Oh my God. Eeek,

Jessica Preddy: I hope that the players are ready for this because it's a really exciting journey.

17th September 2024
Still Loading Podcast Revisits the Original Alan Wake

At the start of the month, Still Loading Podcast delved into the original Alan Wake adventure, through the eyes of three fans, each who were drawn to the title for different reasons.

Throughout the two-hour-long episode, Josh Covel and guests, Matt Storm and Phil Morgan, talked about how they discovered the game, the writer's complexities, the unusual development history, the custom songs, the poetic ending, and so much more. 

Writing on the episode synopsis, Josh describes, “We all have backlogs. I usually pick games from it for my Patreon polls to help me work through it steadily. But sometimes I just pick a game off of it with no intention of playing it for the show, and then I enjoy it so much I feel like I have to. Alan Wake was one of those games for me. Joining me on this episode are Phil Morgan from the Deleted Saves podcast and Matt aka Stormageddon to break down Alan Wake from Remedy Games.”

While the episode is friendly, he also warns that it will delve, "into some heavy topics, especially later on in the episode, so please note the content warning below along with the time stamp for where that portion starts” with one of the guests opening up on depression, suicide, self harm, and pet death. If you can, it's definitely worth listening to the story, as the guest in question explores his personal journey with the game and how it helped provide a new perspective on artist success and what that can looks like.

You can listen to the full episode, HERE

16th September 2024
Life Is Strange: Double Exposure Developers Inspired by Remedy's Compatible Weirdness

When Deck Nine Games' Creative Director, Jonathan Stauder describes being inspired by a shared level of weirdness with Remedy, it feels very accurate. Today's blog post is an unusual opportunity to talk about another game series by another game company that I love, as they approach the release of their highly anticipated adventure, Life is Strange: Double Exposure.

Life Is Strange
first debuted in January 2015 as an episodic video game which gripped players as they waded deeper into a time travelling murder mystery. You play as Max Caufield, an aspiring photographer, who returns to her hometown of Arcadia Bay in Oregon for her studies. Reunited with her childhood friend, Max witnesses a murder in the school's bathroom, and discovers that she now possesses the ability to turn back time. Double Exposure is the sequel to that adventure, following Max, now in Vermont years later, as she becomes twisted into another life-changing event.

In a recent interview with Gamespot, the Deck Nine team where they drew inspirations from as they approach Max's new adventure. In response, Jonathan Stauder described that "And visually, I'm a huge fan of Remedy games and their own particular brand of weird and how they find their own way to do it, whether it's alt timelines, multiverses, that sort of thing. And so I think just as a jumping-off point, we're gonna find our own way to do this particular flavor of time travel across alt universes. I think, especially later in the game, you might see some visual flourishes that feel a little bit [like] Remedy." You can read the full interview at Gamespot, HERE.

There are five adventures in the series; Life is Strange, Life Is Strange: Before the Storm, The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, and Life Is Strange 2 were all made by DONTNOD. For Life Is Strange: True Colours and Life is Strange: Double Exposure, they were developed by Deck Nine Games. For Max's full story, you will need to play the original Life is Strange adventure, with Before the Storm as an optional prequel-driven DLC. 

Life is Strange: Double Exposure will be launching Xbox Series X|S and Windows PC, October 29, 2024.

15th September 2024
Community Event: Rebecca S Peebs' Deerfest Charity Livestream [Doctors Without Borders]

Looking to spend a quiet autumn evening inside? Later today, Alan Wake 2 speed runner-extroidnaire, Rebecca S Peebs will be returning to the strange shores of Bright Falls in a charity livestream to celebrate Deerfest. Through the event, she will be raising money for Doctors Without Borders an international humanitarian organisation helping in conflict zones and countries affected by endemic diseases.

Rebecca will be going live via her Twitch channel, sweetpeebs, at 11am ET (September 15th 2024).

Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) was established in 1971 with the goal of providing humanitarian medical across the globe and without bias. Alongside being on the frontline during emergency situations such as earthquakes, war or disease outbreak, they also run long-term medical programs across the globe. Last year, 1.3 million people were admitted to their hospitals, in addition to 16.4 million consultations at mobile clinics and refugee camps. Most recently, they are providing medical aid in Gaza. You can learn more about their work, HERE


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.