There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

29th November 2023
New Internal Event Explores Remedy's History & Perspectives [Remedy Finland]

As well as the adventures, we also write about the culture at the studios. In a LinkedIn post, the studio recently teased the formation of "Remedy Flashbacks", an intimate discussion of moments from the studio's history created to either revisit memories or learn fresh, depending on the developer's familiarity with the company. The talks also provide the opportunity to learn different crafts and experiences. 

While the sessions are internal, the post shared photographs from their most recent session on November 3rd, in conversation with Ilkka Villi, the physical actor for Alan Wake.

In their post, the studio wrote a little more about the event, "we have this thing we call Remedy Flashbacks. It’s for us Remedians to huddle up and hear stories of Remedy's history and highlights from various corners of the realm of making games. These internal events are one way of building our culture and sharing knowledge from longtime Remedians. A few weeks ago, Sanna Kantelinen [Senior Internal Communications Specialist] hosted a fireside chat with actor Ilkka Villi, whom many of us know as the actor of Alan Wake. We learned a ton from an actor’s point of view in making Remedy games and got to know more about Ilkka as well."

Source: Remedy Entertainment's LinkedIn Page


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.