There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

5th January 2019
The Community's Christmas & New Year Celebrations

As the holiday season draws to an end as work begins again, I wanted to look back at the studio's Christmas messages and the brilliant festive artwork posted by artists in the community.

December is my favourite time of year and while this past month I've been incapacitated with a string of awful colds, it always cheered me up to see lovely messages and artwork celebrating the Christmas season. Which is why I wanted to spotlight some of my favourites and to continue the festivities. Plus it means that we can continue to eat vast amounts of food without guilt, right? If we continue this festive season? I mean it's the fifth of January but the last time I felt human was December 1st and I feel exceptionally cheated.

First up, studio messages! Following their Wrapping Up 2018 livestream, Remedy posted their final update on their website detailing the announcements over the past twelve months and drawing to an end studio communication for the year from Thomas (Communications Director) and Vida (Associate Community Manager).

Whereas Poets of the Fall, the real life band behind Alan Wake's Old Gods of Asgard, signed off with well wishes for the holiday season with a festive photograph of the band's vocalist and lead guitarist.

Next up we have a selection of gorgeous pieces of artwork from the Remedy community including an attractive and festive animated gif of a wreath by Mary (Evil-Owl-Loki) decorated with police tape ribbon, with gingerbread items relating to each Remedy series. It's beautifully delicate and incredibly nerdy.

Katerina also knocked it out of the park with another bittersweet and wonderful family portrait featuring all four main Remedy protagonists as they decorate the tree, helped by their various superpowers. Seeing this was such a lovely surprise in the early hours of Christmas day and kickstarted a day of gorgeous artwork. Thanks Kat! 

As far as I could tell Rudy only posted this on Tumblr on his art portfolio and through the Alan Wake tag, but not directly to social media, likely due to the layout; perfect for Tumblr, less perfect cropped into squares and zoomed in. It did make stumbling across it a nice treat though! While not overtly Christmassy, Mr Scratch seems to be celebrating in the festive spirit in his own delightful yet possibly psychotic style. You do you, Scratch!

Rotorri was our Community Spotlight for November and I have been seriously loving his work these past several months. They're always so charming and full of character, and the latest one is no different with a bittersweet reunion between Alan and Alice for the New Year. I love the colours in this one!

Earlier in December, Melissa (melfpic on Instagram) posted this epic piece of artwork featuring Jesse, Jack, Max and Alan as they hang out on Christmas. Melissa stole our hearts earlier in the year with her charming artwork and perfect capture of the protagonists, making her our July Community Spotlight. Her latest piece was a wonderful treat in the run up to the big day.

Our final shoutout is to the very lovely 03roku. I seriously adore their artwork and over December they created a series of variations of their 2018 Christmas design. We showcased a couple of them in an advent calendar post but for Christmas day they posted a third on their website. If you have Tumblr make sure to follow them, their posts never fail to make me smile.


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.