There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

27th August 2018
[Gamescom 2018] Day #4 & 5 Wrap Up
New Gameplay, Fan Previews, More Interviews

Gamescom closed its doors this past weekend, marking the end of a pretty specatcular year. For its 10th anniversary, around 370,000 visitors from 114 countries descended to Cologne to take a look at the latest games and reveals.

While the Remedy team headed back home to Espoo earlier in the week after showing off their behind-closed-doors demo to the press, media reports for Control continued to roll out throughout the week.

In our last wrap up, we had a video of the 505Games booth's exterior, which was uploaded to the publisher's Twitter page. For today's wrap up, more photos from the Control-specific section was posted to Remedy's Instagram page. The photos feature the booth walls covered in gorgeous game artwork and interior of the booth.

One of the most surprising things to come out of the past few days was a video uploaded by GameStar, showcasing thirteen minutes of gameplay footage from Control as Jesse explores The Oldest House. Remedy's Head of Communications, Thomas Puha, narrates throughout but a German translation overlaps the original answers making it a little tricky for English-speakers. Despite that it's still an interesting video, and even if you don't speak German, the gameplay is worth checking out!

Following Gamescom, XBOX previewer and ambassador, Daniel Heithorn is running a giveaway from now until 31st August, in which one lucky Control fan will win a special Federal Bureau of Control pin, specially created for members of the media attending their behind-closed doors previews at E3 2018 and Gamescom 2018. Check out his post for details on how to enter!

Fellow fansite owner, Patrick who runs PayneReactor, had the opportunity to check out Control at Gamescom. His in-depth analysis and impressions of what he saw at the show is available on his website now!

The Sixth Axis also had an opportunity to check out Control at this past Gamescom. Their review is also up, breaking down the combat and open level design. "Remedy describe it as a “world within a location”, emphasising its ability to shift and transform, as well as the admitted Metroidvania structure. As Jessie gains control of more abilities by finding Objects of Power like the aforementioned black & white TV, she’ll open up new parts of the Oldest House; in some ways the demonstration’s glimpse into this world reminded me of BioShock’s Rapture." Read the full preview on their website!

At the show, CerealKillez spoke to Remedy's Game Director, Mikael Kasurinen about what players can expect to see in Jesse's upcoming adventure. The interview is a lengthy fifteen minutes long, so you may want to grab some tea before playing it:

[Germany] names the seven most exciting science fiction games from Gamescom, with a space in the article for Remedy's upcoming game, Control.

[Italy] In a new video, Pierpaolo Greco and Aligi Comandini of discuss what they saw during their Control preview at Gamescom, and delves into how the setting and gameplay differs to that of what we've seen previously by the Finnish developers.


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.