"Can Jack go back in time and fix Max Payne's life?"
"That would be lovely."
Game Informer asks Sam Lake (Creative Director at Remedy) 100 rapid-fire questions about his life, Max Payne, Alan Wake and Quantum Break. It's a really good interview, and funny too; perfect for watching after a long day. Some of the questions are serious, others are puns, but together they form an really interesting interview.
Also. Another reason why you should watch it. One of the questions were "Could you have written a better Max Payne movie?" Sam's reaction is pretty perfect for the question.
Click HERE (archived) to watch the interview.
[This post will be updated with the video, once it is posted on YouTube.]
Update (17/11/2015):

4th November 2015
Sam Lake Answers 100 Questions
[Game Informer Coverage] / [Updated]