There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

5th November 2015
Community Spotlight: Emme-Gray's Alan Wake Cosplays

If you follow me on Twitter, you may have seen a shoutout I did a little while ago about a Mr Scratch cosplay. The work not only looked incredible, but I discovered that I actually know the cosplayer... but only after checking to see who it was. The weirdest part of this realisation was that I did an interview with them a few months ago and photos of their previous work are on this site. Their character transformation was so good that they just didn't look like themselves.

The cosplayer is Manuela, also known online as Emme-Gray, and she's been doing amazing Alan Wake cosplays for the past three years.

After posting about the new photoshoot, I realised that I haven't actually done a Community Spotlight for her, something which is long overdue.

Something I particularly love about her work is the clear passion behind it. There are in-jokes and references that only gamers who have played Alan Wake will get. The photos are not just about character, but instead it feels like they celebrate the games they reference. They not only reflect a certain scene or stance, but the entire story in a way that isn't as common in cosplay photos.

Her first Alan Wake cosplay photo was posted on deviantArt back in 2012, and she's been returning to the series ever since.

Over the past three years, she has created four different cosplays including the original Alan Wake outfit with the tweed jacket, the black hoodie that we see in his apartment, the American Nightmare outfit and, very recently, a new cosplay featuring Mr Scratch. With each one, you can clearly see that a lot of research and effort has gone into the project with not only fantastic detail on the costume but careful considering of the props used in the photos.

Manuela makes a fantastic Alan Wake and Mr Scratch, if you want to learn more about herself and how she creates her Alan Wake costumes, you can read our interview HERE.

You can also follow Emme-Gray's adventures on Twitter, Facebook and deviantArt!


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.