There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

20th November 2015
Sam Lake on Interactive Storytelling
[Game Informer Coverage]

In a recent interview with Game Informer, Sam Lake (Creative Director at Remedy) talked in-depth about interactive storytelling in video games. In the video he discusses the evolution of narrative driven games and how developers help immerse players into the story with game mechanics.

It's a really interesting interview, especially as it comes across like a TED talk or a lecture; something which Sam doesn't do often.* One reason why I really like this interview is that he talks about how the approach to storytelling has changed; he's been in the video game industry for almost twenty years now, and in that timeframe the definition of story-driven games has changed a lot.

Click HERE to watch the full interview!
I'll update this page with the video as soon as it's posted to YouTube.

Update (24/11/15): YouTube Video.

*There was recently a panel he took part in at Slush 2015. It was livestreamed, but there isn't archived footage online yet. I'll post a link as soon as it is available.


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