There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

22nd March 2013
Fan Art Fortnight: InvisibleRainArt

I feel like I should apologise for this post's lateness. A little while ago I arranged a community event in which we were going to focus on 14 fan artists for 14 days. The dates and event was arranged in December and everything was going smoothly...Except when it came to March and the event began. The courses I do during the day became suddenly became incredibly demanding so instead of being able to focus on the awesomness of the community, I was having to write a incredibly long pieces of text on incredibly long topics. I couldn't find time to write about the final two artists, but I didn't want to forget about Kristy or Jax. So here they are! I'm really sorry for the delay!

Tonight, I want to focus on two seriously talented fans, first up we have Kristy also known as InvisibleRainArt on deviantArt. If you've been following Remedy's Twitter or Facebook feed recently, then chances are that you're already familiar with her work; she's the talented artist behind this piece...

...And this piece...

...And this piece...

In fact, she's created a series of fantastic artwork inspired by the game in a variety of styles, from the utterly adorable Alan Wake chibi to the menacing (but quite cheerful looking) Mr Scratch! Her work has been about lot via Remedy's social media a lot recently, and quite rightly so! Just look at the amount of detail she puts in her work!

Make sure to check out her dA page and Tumblr page. Her Mr Scratch image is also available to purchase at redbubble!


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.