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19th December 2011
Remedy Talks to EDGE

Prior to EDGE's Alan Wake feature in it's upcoming magazine (due out 20th December), they have released a section of an interview they had with Sam Lake (Lead Writer and Creative Director) and Oskari Häkkinen (Head of Franchise) about the upcoming Alan Wake game and the response of Death Rally on iOS.

And that is exactly why you should never try to make your own tomato soup
using a blender with amissing lid...Now clean it up

CLICK HERE to read the interview at the website. 

Below is an extract of the interview:

Two Remedy games in one year, what’s going on?
Sam Lake: [Laughs] On that we are definitely expanding what we do. There is a big attraction with smaller digital projects like Death Rally on iOS, and Live Arcade as well. Obviously, big triple-A games are our main focus, but [digital] feels very good, and feels like the right way of being able to do something on the side as well. Death Rally, and now American Nightmare, are good examples of that, and in the future we’re looking for different opportunities as well, expanding and doing other things. Alan Wake is our own IP and we absolutely love it, and we feel like we can do many things with it; custom versions for different mediums.

Oskari Häkkinen: It’s a learning curve as well, understanding the business. As gamers, we want to know about, and understand, all the possibilities in gaming. Our passion is bigger projects, but these smaller projects gave us an opportunity to let our hair down a bit and have fun.
SL: It’s a nice place to experiment and then feed what we learn back into bigger games. I’m sure fans of Remedy Entertainment will see many elements in American Nightmare that they have come to expect from one of our games. It’s a tighter package, but still a cinematic, story-driven action game.
OH: American Nightmare is made for [XBLA]. We can go wilder with the weapons and include the kind of enemies that you would never expect in the Alan Wake universe. The Night Springs setting has enabled us to try out things we wouldn’t have been able to try out in the first game.


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.