Every developer has a different story of how they got into the industry. If you're interested in learning how some got their chance and the path that they've taken, there are two interviews that you might want to check out. In recent weeks, The Rookies and Ilta-Sanomat has spoken to Raja Ghosh (Senior Environment Artist at Remedy) and Roosa Jokiaho (former Cinematic Designer at Remedy, now a Cutscene Artist at Square Enix).
Up first is Raja who spoke to The Rookies on his career as a Senior Environment Artist. What's fascinating about the interview was how in-depth they focused on his journey; asking him what factored in certain decisions such as studying Game Art & Design at VanArts in Canada and how it now complements his work now. If you're interested in a similar career, the interview is PACKED with fantastic advice too; he explains a typical day at the office, the tools he uses, the workflow, portfolio advice, which tasks are assigned to a junior artist, and what studios look for when hiring one. Check out their conversation at The Rookies, HERE!
Next up is Roosa, who was recently had a feature in Itla-Sanomat! The article is in Finnish, but you can click HERE to see a Google Translated version. In the piece, she talks about her international gaming career which started in Finland and has taken her to Japan. Roosa was previously the Cinematic Designer at Remedy, working on Quantum Break, Crossfire X: Operation Catalyst, and Control. She has since moved to Japan, where she works as a Cutscene Artist at Square Enix where she worked on Forspoken and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. You can read the full article, HERE!
UPDATE 7/7/24: Midway through writing this post, a new interview with Roosa was posted. This time it's in English and is available via YouTube, perfect to relax to on your Sunday afternoon. Check out her conversation with AndresPlays, HERE!

7th July 2024
Developer Interviews with Raja Ghosh (Senior Environment Artist) & Roosa Jokiaho (former Cinematic Designer at Remedy)