There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

23rd April 2024
Matthew Porretta Joins Abhi Jha on the Behind the Voice Podcast

In Behind the Voice's latest episode, released just over the weekend, Abhi Jha sits down with the ever-brilliant Matthew Porretta for a special eighty-minute interview!

Matthew's history with Remedy is extensive! Originally the voice of Alan Wake, his role expanded in 2012 for Alan Wake's American Nightmare with the addition of Mr Scratch, a deadly serial killer oozing charm. If you joined the community a little later, however, you may have a very different role in mind when you hear his name. In Control, the actor traded tweed jackets for knitted waistcoats and bowties with his brilliantly nerdy portrayal of Dr Casper Darling for the game's live-action sequences. It's perhaps no surprise that players were excited when it was confirmed that he would be returning for the role of Alan Wake/Mr Scratch in Alan Wake 2, bringing a more haunting and gut-wrenching performance. 

In their eighty-minute interview, they delve into his personal standout moment of Alan Wake 2 and the most emotional, performing Dyna-Mite in Control, what it was like working alongside Ilkka Villi in a live-action scene (at last!), and performing Herald of Darkness at The Game Awards. 

When you're through with that episode, you may be interested to learn that Behind the Voice is no stranger to the Alan Wake series, having previously interviewed Ilkka Villi (Alan Wake), David Harewood (Warlin Door), Sam Lake (Alex Casey) and recently, Doug Cockle (Robert Nightingale)

Created at the start of 2023, Behind the Voice is a podcast hosted by Abhi Jha that explores the lives of actors behind our favourite characters. Over the past fifteen months, it has drawn 6,370 YouTube subscribers and recently passed 250 Spotify subscribers.


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




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