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18th April 2024
Remedy's Level Designer, Roberto Padron Talks Career Progression With Vandal

The game industry is a tricky place to break into and, these days, almost as tricky to stay in. While there's general advice for aspiring developers, each individual story feels unique. This week, Vandal's Sara Borondo sat down with Roberto Padron (Level Designer at Remedy Entertainment) to talk about his gaming journey. 

The article takes an in-depth look at his career so far. From working at Pyro Mobile Games as a QA Tester Intern in 2015, he has since worked with DNA Softworks, Blackmouth Games Ubisoft, and Supermassive Games before moving to Finland seven months ago to work at Remedy.

In the latest chapter in his story, he looks back on the interviews and tests that secured him at place at the company, and what life has been like for him in Finland. 

While the original interview takes place in Spanish, if you click HERE, you can read it with the help of Google Translate.


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