There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

21st May 2023
Summer Game Fest & PlayStation Showcase

While we know that Alan Wake 2 is set to launch this year, we don't know the release date just yet. And while GamesCom is the most likely suspect for new information, there are some events just before that might also pave the way for some teasers as we approach August. Even if Remedy doesn't attend, you might find another game to fall in love with. 

PlayStation Showcase 

Up first is the PlayStation Showcase, which has shared an Alan Wake-themed surprise in the past with the reveal trailer for Control's AWE DLC pack. As the series was previously an Xbox console exclusive (and a platform exclusive for a couple of years there), the developers have since purchased the console rights, celebrated the release of Alan Wake Remastered on PlayStation 4 & 5, and might be looking at new ways of introducing the audience to Bright Falls. Sony has also delivered strongly on attracting strong-narrative titles so spotlighting Alan Wake 2 at the PlayStation Showcase might not be a bad partnership at all! 

You can catch the PlayStation Showcase on May 24th (that soon!) on YouTube (HERE) at 1pm Pacific Time / 8pm UTC or GMT / 9pm British Summer Time. 

Summer Game Fest

E3 was a perfect small trip on a plane or by car if you're in the US but for those travelling from abroad a bundle of anxiety, border control, jetlag, traffic, and that one guy who insists on taking his shoes off on the plane. You then had also to deal with Los Angeles. It's no surprise, particularly with the cancellation of E3 this year, that the Summer Game Fest is gearing up for another year. Hosted by Geoff Keighley, the digital festival welcomes you to attend from the comfort of your own living room. That's right, fellow introverts and cat owners, this one is for us. 

You can watch the Summer Game Fest on June 8th on YouTube (HERE) at 12pm Pacific Time / 3pm EDT / 7am UTC or GMT / 8pm BST.


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.