Over the past few days, alongside more details about Control's upcoming expansion pack, The Foundation, we've also heard more about a new patch which has started rolling out.
The March Update (1.08 and 1.09) is a free patch coming to all platforms this month which sees a number of improvements across the main game including map adjustments, changes to the ability tree, fixes to Jukebox Token system, rebalancing the Charge power, and many more.
You can see the full update list on the official Control website, HERE.
If you are running Control on PC using a GeForce RTX GPU, there's a new update coming on March 26th which sees a visual update to the game.
With The Foundation coming out on March 26th on PS4 and PC, the DLSS 2.0 update will also be launching alongside. In an interview with Nvidia, Mika Vehkala (Director of Technology at Remedy) stated “With Control, we set out to create a visually stunning and immersive world. Real-time ray tracing and NVIDIA DLSS made Control look amazing at launch, and upgrading to DLSS 2.0 made the game’s image quality better than ever.”. In short, the update will bring sharper visuals, bringing text and smaller details into focus. To get DLSS 2.0 for Control, make sure to update your Game Ready Driver to the latest version and update the game to receive the March Update on March 26th.
You can see the full breakdown on the Nvidia website, HERE.

25th March 2020
Control's March Update and Nvidia's DLSS 2.0 Rolling Out