There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

12th August 2019
Control Media Wrap-Up #2 [Fifteen Days Til Launch]
New Previews From Press Events & Influencer Engagments

Just fifteen days until Control! We're back this week with media wrap-up!

Following a recent press event, we've been seeing a lot more Control-themed articles and previews from media outlets such as Eurogamer, Rock Paper Shotgun, MeriStation and more. We've also seen more videos by selected influencers who were flown out by Remedy to take an exclusive look at the game. 

In case you missed our previous wrap-up, we're aiming to write one or two of these a week as we approach Control's launch, to keep on track with the latest news. Naturally larger stories or reveals will be spotlighted in a separate post just so you don't miss it.

Check out our list below of recent Control features:

[INTERVIEW] 'Control' designer digs into the supernatural abilities that shape the game
     Mashable (with Thomas Hudson, Senior Game Designer)

Every part of the game Control is intriguing. There’s the mysterious story, the supernatural location of the game, and of course the powers of protagonist Jesse Faden. The beating heart of Control seems to be Jesse’s telekinesis and the Service Weapon she picks up inside the Federal Bureau of Control. Not only are these the things players will use to traverse The Oldest House and fight enemies, they help shape the design of the entire game.

Read Mashable's interview with Thomas, HERE!

[PREVIEW] First Thoughts: Control
     Shortlist Dubai

You know what would be just dandy? Strolling into a high-level corporation, heading straight to the CEO’s office and being declared the big boss by an otherworldly object on the spot. Who needed a CV anyway? Sounds sublime, until you realise you know nothing about the company. Its headquarters is currently being attacked by hostile supernatural forces and the only thing that can stop them is you, and that object that got you the job. Gee, thanks. That’s pretty much the life of Jesse Faden in developer Remedy Entertainment’s bonkers third-person action game Control.

Read the full preview, HERE!

[PREVIEW] Control Preview – Fringe Division
     Power Up Gaming

Max Payne’s narratives are also reflective of this style and it’s a method of storytelling that Remedy has used to great effect. Its new title, Control, is no different. Telling the story of Jesse Faden, Control combines all of Remedy’s prior works; stylistically, mechanically and narratively. I recently had the opportunity to play through the first four missions in Control and spend about three hours with the game.

Read their full preview, HERE! 

[PREVIEW] 4 Reasons Remedy’s Control Should Have You Excited

We got hands-on time with Remedy’s upcoming title on two separate occasions, and both times, we were left feeling very excited and happy with what we got to play, especially when it comes to the combat. The abilities that main protagonist Jess has access to is super diverse and so you really have multiple options when it comes to combat. Her special pistol is modifiable, too, letting you place mods and switch between different styles on the fly. Need a shotgun-type weapon to take out a group of enemies? Her pistol can do it almost immediately. There are also sniper-like mods and a quick-firing one as well.

Read Twinfinte's full preview, HERE

[PREVIEW] 5 Reasons Control Is One Of The Creepiest (And Most Stylish) Games This Year - Control PS4 Gameplay

[PREVIEW] Shapeshifting Guns, An Evil Fridge And 7 Best And Worst Control Features
     Rock Paper Shotgun

[FEATURE] Show of the Weekend: Trico, Control and Labrador Shawn Ashmore
     Outside Xtra

[PREVIEW] Control : Dernières impressions en 5 questions avant le TEST / Spanish

Plus que quelques semaines avant que Control, le nouveau jeu de Remedy Entertainment que l'on a longtemps connu sous le nom de code P7, n'arrive à bon port sur PC et consoles. Avant de pouvoir livrer un verdict clair, net et précis grâce à la version finale, nous avons eu l'occasion de remettre les mains dessus pendant quelques heures. Et on vous rappelle ce qu'il faut en retenir.

Read Gameblog's preview, HERE

[PREVIEW] Impresiones Control: Remedy abraza el surrealismo y el metroidvania / Spanish

El nuevo juego de los creadores de Alan Wake y Max Payne no solo es el primero en años sin crearse bajo el paraguas de Microsoft, sino también su apuesta más directa por la jugabilidad. Hemos probado las primeras horas de juego y os contamos qué nos ha parecido esta aventura sobrenatural y surrealista.

Read their full article, HERE!

[PREVIEW] Control, impresiones finales. Invasión extraterrestre

Todo sigue un orden, una estructura, una forma de articularse. Lo contrario es el caos, el desorden, territorio comanche. La sociedad se da unas reglas y los miembros de una misma comunidad siguen esas normas, siempre bajo la atenta mirada de las autoridades, que comprueban que todo sigue bajo control. Y Control es el nuevo videojuego de Remedy Entertainment, un título que explora el concepto desde diferentes puntos de vista y que ya hemos podido jugar durante unas horas. En esta sesión, probamos los primeros capítulos del videojuego, lo que supone comenzar desde cero.

Read MeriStation's article, HERE

[PREVIEW] Ensituntumat: Remedy taisi osua napakymppiin – Pari tuntia Controlin parissa oli silkkaa nautintoa / Finnish

Muropaketti kävi perjantaina Max Payneistä, Alan Wakesta ja Quantum Breakista tunnetun Remedyn luona testaamassa kuun lopulla ilmestyvää Controlia. Pelin alun perusteella kyseessä voi hyvinkin olla studion paras tuotos kautta aikojen. Controlin alussa pelaajan ohjaama Jesse saapuu eriskummallisen Federal Bureau of Controlin päämajaan. Jo alkumetreiltä lähtien on selvää, ettei kyseessä ole ihan jokapäiväinen virasto. Sen sijaan kasvoton ja brutaali betonirakennus kätkee sisuksiinsa valtavia paranormaaleja mysteereitä.

Read the full preview, HERE.

[PREVIEW] Max Paynesta tunnettu suomalainen peliyhtiö julkaisee tieteisräiskintäseikkailun – pelissä mukana myös Martti Suosalo / Finnish
     MTV Uutiset

Suomalainen pelistudio Remedy julkaisee elokuussa uusimman konsolipelinsä. Studio tunnetaan parhaiten Max Payne -peleistä, jotka on jopa käännetty elokuvamuotoon, sekä Alan Wake -kauhupelistä. Remedyn edellinen peli Quantum Break ilmestyi vuonna 2016. Uusin peli kulkee nimellä Control. 27. elokuuta ilmestyvän pelin päähenkilönä on mystisen menneisyyden omaava Jesse Faden. Peli sijoittuu kokonaan kuvitteelliseen Federal Bureau of Control -nimisen järjestön rakennukseen, joka pitää sisällään yliluonnollisia voimia

Read MTV Uutiset's preview, HERE.

[PREVIEW] Gameplay Control: De los Creadores de Quantum Break / Spanish

[PREVIEW] CONTROL de Finlandais en live de chez Remedy #Sponso / French

[PREVIEW] J'ai joué 3h à Control, il est étrange et fou / Preview / French
     Carole Quintaine

[PREVIEW] Preview Exclusive Remedy Control ersten Stunden Gameplay / German

[VLOG] Syrenia Vlog - Remedy Besuch in Helskini / German


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.