Last week, analyst Atte Országola interviewed Remedy's CEO, Tero Virtala for Inderes' YouTube channel, InderesTV.
In their conversation, they discussed a number of topics impacting the studio in the coming months ranging from Control's release (including the time-exclusivity for the PC edition in collaboration with the Epic Store) to the developer's involvement with the Crossfire series.
The eleven-minute video was posted in its entirety on the Inderes YouTube channel, with the interview conducted in Finnish. You can watch the conversation below:
Kysymykset kellotettuna:
00:10 Minkälaista palautetta Control-peli on saanut?
02:20 Miksi Control julkaistaan PC:llä yksinoikeudella Epic Storessa?
04:40 Viimeisimmät kuulumiset Crossfiren saralla?
05:40 Entä kolmas projekti ja Vanguard?
07:35 Miltä näyttää Remedyn strategia lähivuosina?
Source: Inderes' Remedyn kuulumiset ennen H-hetkeä video
Questions Timing:
00:10 What kind of reception has the game, Control, received?
02:20 Why is the PC version of Control released as an exclusive to Epic Store?
04:40 What is the latest news about the Crossfire series?
05:40 What about the third project and Vanguard?
07:35 What will Remedy's strategy look like in the next few years?

27th June 2019
New Inderes Interview with Tero Virtala (in Finnish)