There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

7th October 2018
New York Comic Con Wrap-Up / Part 2
[Interviews & Previews] Updated 22/10 at 20:10 BST

In the lead up to Control's launch next year, Remedy travelled to New York this past week to attend New York Comic Con. Ahead of the Friday community events in the evening, the team spoke to several members of the press about Jesse Faden's new adventure, delving deeper into the mysterious FBC and revealing what players can expect to see.

Below is a collection of articles, interviews and previews posted from Remedy's time at the show. We will continue to update this page with more articles as they are posted.

NYCC 2018: Remedy’s Control Is Looking Like a Stellar Hallucinogenic, Sandbox Style Action Game
Remedy Entertainment’s super-natural action game will feature sandbox style gameplay rife with narrative mystery. After a somewhat surprising reveal at Sony’s E3 2018 press event, Remedy Entertainment and 505 Games gave New York Comic Con attendees a special behind the scenes look at their upcoming third-person action-adventure game Control along with new details about the game’s gameplay and characters.
Read AIPT's NYCC article, HERE.

Inside The Story and Game Mechanics of Control at NYCC 
     Syfy Wire
After revealing their thrilling new project, Control, at E3 this past June, the video game developers at Remedy gave eager fans a much better look at the upcoming game at New York Comic Con. Like Remedy's previous games, Alan Wake and Quantum Break, Control focuses on a character who must explore the hidden mysteries of the world to keep us safe without us ever knowing we were in danger. SYFY WIRE got a closer look at Remedy's spooky action game, and sat down with writer/director Sam Lake and actor Courtney Hope to learn more about the Control's world.
Read Syfy Wire's interview with Sam Lake and Courtney Hope, HERE!

Control Will Feature the Voices of Max Payne and Alan Wake
Yesterday, I sat down with Sam Lake, the creative director of Remedy Entertainment, alongside Courtney Hope, who voices Jesse, the protagonist in Control. The two shared some new information with me about what other actors will be a part of Control’s story. James McCaffrey, the voice actor behind Max Payne, as well as Matthew Porretta, the voice behind Alan Wake, will be in Control. Of course, if you don’t already know, Hope plays Beth in Remedy Entertainment’s previous title, Quantum Break. Lake says that this is Remedy’s all-star cast. I was also told that McCaffrey’s character will share some traits with Max Payne.
Read DualShocker's interview with Sam and Courtney, HERE.

It's Going To Get Weird: A Chat With Sam Lake and Courtney Hope About Control

I’m super excited for Control. I got to see the game at E3, I got to talk to its director, and when I went to New York Comic Con 2018 I knew I needed to absorb every bit of info about the game there. Thankfully, opportunity knocked. I was able to get into an interview with two important people behind the game. Sam Lake is the game’s writer, and was also the writer for Max Payne, Alan Wake, and Quantum Break. I also got to talk with Courtney Hope, who voices Control‘s main character Jesse Faden. The two were more than happy to tell me everything I could want to know about Jesse’s iPod, Uno the Mocap Dog, and what to do with superpowers.

Read TechRaptor's transcript, HERE.

Remedy’s Sam Lake Discusses Control And Things Get Weird
     PC Invasion

Remedy Entertainment’s upcoming supernatural action adventure game Control is already shaping up to be its most ambitious game to date. A strange, surreal setting? Check. A powerful main character thrown into the thick of battle? Check. Incredible superpowers? Check on that too. The studio’s creative director Sam Lake sat down with PC Invasion at the New York Comic Con to talk about bringing players into this new world of weirdness.

Read Sam's interview with PC Invasion, HERE.

Control Interview — Sam Lake and Courtney Hope Talk Multiplatform, Story, Weirdness and More

Remedy Entertainment's Sam Lake and actress Courtney Hope sat down with DualShockers to give some new insight into the studios' upcoming title Control. Earlier at this year’s E3, we got to see Remedy Entertainment’s next weird, strange, beautiful project, Control. Creative director Sam Lake sat down with me alongside the game’s lead actress Courtney Hope to give me some more insight on what exactly players can expect to find in the Oldest House.

Read Sam's and Courtney's interview with DualShockers, HERE.

Supernatural Forces: Interview With Control’s Courtney Hope and Sam Lake
During New York Comic Con, Geek chatted with writer-director, Sam Lake, the face of Max Payne, and actress Courtney Hope, who plays Control‘s protagonist, Jesse Faden, about Control‘s unique art direction, Jesse’s character development, the game’s open-ended structure, and whether or not single-player games are still relevant in an age ruled by multiplayer blockbusters.
Read Sam and Courtney's interview with, HERE.

Sam Lake, Courtney Hope, Matthew Porretta talk Control
FanSided discussed what Control has in store for gamers and reflected on Remedy’s storied past with Creative Director/Writer Sam Lake (Max Payne), the voice of lead character Jesse Faden, Courtney Hope (Quantum Break), and voice of Control’s Dr. Casper Darling, Matthew Porretta (Alan Wake). Actor James McCaffrey, the voice of Control’s Zachariah Trench and Max Payne himself, was on-site at New York Comic Con’s panel and in great spirits, even doing a Max Payne styled promo with Sam Lake like the old days afterwards.
Read Sam, Courtney and Matthew's interview, HERE.


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




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