There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

20th January 2016
Monarch Solutions' Gaming Chamber
[Helsinki / Press Event Photos]

[EDIT: Quick clarification! We weren't at the Quantum Break press event, but since a lot of sites were reporting on the event, I wanted to write something a little different for our wrap up post.]

Welcome to Monarch Solutions! Today we're going to be taking you on a guided tour and introduce you to the Gaming Chamber. This event marks the first hands-on press event for Quantum Break. We advise you keep your hands close to your sides throughout this journey, until we get to the chamber, and to prevent any contact with dangerous machinery and substances. As always, our company only hires the best security officers, and they are here for your protection just as much as they're here for ours. Just follow our instructions and everything will go smoothly.

A photo posted by NazZa Urban (@nawalinsta) on

First things first, the paperwork and identification process. These are relatively simple, just collect your Monarch employee guest badges and embargo paperwork at the front desk. Once everyone's done we'll show you to the security zone and our newly constructed Gaming Chamber, built and funded for by Monarch Solutions and the Riverport Building the Future Program.

A photo posted by Jan (@janmeijroos) on

As with all our valued guests, we rolled out our new technology, the future of indoor carpeting. While many of you have brought in the snow on your travels, (which I will not mention is in violation of at least six safety regulations), it will not leave a mark upon this establishment and the carpet will not age. Those who violated those rules will be met by some of our more prominent employees and will be sharing those properties.

I've heard some rumours among the town, particularly about the delay with our latest technology.  So before we start, I want to clarify something. Can you all look up at this wall here, please....

... Building technology from scratch is no easy task. Sometimes you get lucky, but most of the time it's requires a steely determination and belief in what we do. There's also a factor of stubbornness involved, an element which some of you snow mobiles will discover later.

Now we're slightly behind schedule, so without any ado, please follow me to the Gaming Chamber.

As we head through the building, we'll also be passing one of our subjects of study. What looks like  a simple chair is our latest experiment to test various materials and how they react with an increased exposure to Chronon Radiation. That chair is not for sitting. Do not sit on that chair.

Now, as we're dealing with Chronon Radiation, please be aware of any issues which may emerge, such as short-term memory loss, distortions in your visual sensory system, lacunar amnesia or any short-term memory loss. Screening with the CR-Dosimeter will be mandatory and will taken before your departure for our research.

As for now, we've arrived at the entrance of our Gaming Chamber...

What you will experience will be the first hands-on preview of the future. As you walk inside you will be greeted by a row of booths. Those booths have been built and funded for by Monarch Solutions and the Riverport Boothing the Future Program.

Please enjoy your experience of both our product and the booth, and make sure to respect our office environment.

A photo posted by Remedy Entertainment (@remedygames) on

Once you're completed for the day, please follow the yellow carpet leading to the right, where you will be tested for Chronon Radiation. Armed security will be there to assist you if you are lost. After that, you are free to leave.

Thank you for your paitence and please, enjoy your day.


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.