Remedy will be showing the extended "behind close doors" gameplay footage from Gamescom at this week's EGX.
As of yet very little is known about the developers' presence at the event; whether the demo will be shown on a screen facing the public, whether there will be talks (and possibly livestreams) or if there will be a Quantum Break booth. It's also yet unknown if the team will be there all four days or if they're focusing on a single QB packed day. More details will be announced hopefully later today or early tomorrow.
EGX, formally known as Eurogamer Expo, is the UK's biggest game show, and takes place at Earl's Court, London. This year, the event takes place between 25-28th September. The four day event is packed with parties, conferences, playable demos, and much more.
Update #1: Remedy will be there throughout the entire event (Thursday to Sunday) and will be showing the extended version of the Quantum Break gameplay behind closed doors. The EGX floor plan doesn't label where their booth will be but chances are that you will come across it in the XBOX One section in Zone 4.

23rd September 2014
Quantum Break Is Coming to EGX