There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

23rd February 2014
Community Spotlight: Martin's Max Payne Novelization

If you enjoyed the original Max Payne game, this project will be of interest to you! Martin W Matthews has recently published his complete novelisation of Max's first adventure.

I'm still in the process of reading it, but so far I'm really enjoying Martin's work. He does a great job at bridging the original script with his own interpretation of the events; he captures Payne's voice well! It's also loyal to the game and written by a fan who clearly wanted to preserve the original storyline in a different medium. 

On the Remedy forums, Martin talks about his original hope, to secure the publishing rights from Take-Two. Speaking as a fan of the game, I would have loved to have seen a tangible novelization of the title, especially one as dedicated to the original as this. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case. Although he has kindly released his work under "fan fiction" and you can download or read the book online for free via Scribd.

Click HERE to view his original post on the forums.


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




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