There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

4th July 2013
Matias Myllyrinne Talks To GameIndustry International

Today GameIndustry International released a new interview with Remedy's CEO, Matias Myllyrinne regarding Remedy's progress with Quantum Break and what the studio hopes to achieve in their new game. The interview focuses on why the developers have made specific choices such as the inclusion of a TV series and how they plan on integrating it into the title's narrative and gameplay.

You can read the entire interview at, HERE.

Introduction to the interview:

Microsoft's ambitions for your living room TV have been widely maligned, mainly due a perceived landgrab in sports, movie and show programming that's shoved video games to the sidelines. It's a mistake that has seen them torn apart by games fans, and coupled with clumsy PR, has left a number of interesting projects overlooked. Including Quantum Break, the new game from Alan Wake developer Remedy Entertainment.

TV is still at the heart of Quantum Break but it should be a much more appealing prospect to the games community. Quantum Break is a direct play for the HBO and Netflix users, those that devour a Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones boxset in a weekend binge. This is a video game that's developed by a studio with a strong fan following, and it comes with its own TV series - paid for by a generous corporate sponsor in Microsoft.

In this exclusive interview with GamesIndustry International, Matias Myllyrinne, CEO of Remedy, discusses the evolution of storytelling at the studio, the changing consumption habits of TV users and games players, how iOS games are helping to fund the bigger bets, and why it needs to work with Microsoft to realise its ambitions


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.