There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

11th June 2013
E3 2013 - Conference Day Round Up

Yesterday was an extremely busy day for Remedy with Sam taking the stage during Microsoft Conference. The developers showed a cinematic from Quantum Break live, and introduced the audience to Jack Joyce, one of our playable characters. Later that day, Sam also did a live interview with Geoff Keighley on where he revealed more exciting information about the upcoming ttle. Here is our roundup of day 0 of E3 2013....

(External links in blue. Opens in a new tab)

  - Trailer: Quantum Break E3 Preview
  - Preview: Microsoft Conference with Sam Lake (including preview)
  - Interview: GameTrailers' Interview with Sam Lake

  - Screenshots: 4 New Official Images

  - Kotaku: With Quantum Break, Play a Personalised Version of an Action Show
  - IGN: New Quantum Break Details Revealed

Sam reveals that the protagonist, Jack Joyce, was involved in a failed science experiment taking place in Riverpot, a university town. There is a much bigger science fiction element in this title compared to previous Remedy games as the project was focused on time travel, and the project's failure leads to a number of character acquiring time bending powers.

As well as Jack, there are additional characters such as Kate (female lead), Sofia Amaral (saved from the blast) and Paul (the antagonist) who Sam refers to as "someone who comes close from stealing the show". In the game you play as two characters, or "two and a half" as Sam describes it, as you also assume control of Paul for a small section of the game.

Like in Alan Wake, the game will be episodically delivered mirroring the live action TV element of the title. The game is a single player experience, but will have social aspects to it, at the moment Remedy is not disclosing what these will be.


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.