There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

28th April 2013
Sign Up For Our Newsletter!

Update (6/8/2014): We recently moved our newsletter service from Wordpress to Mail Chimp. Click HERE to be redirected to our new sign up page!

2013 sounds like it’s going to be a busy year for Remedy as they’re going to start revealing what they’ve been up to! We’re pretty excited, and no doubt that if you’re here you feel the same way. We don’t know what they’re announcing or when they will be announcing it, but we do know we probably don’t want to miss it. Which is where this site comes in!

By signing up to updates on this website, you can receive regular newsletters regarding the Alan Wake series and Remedy’s upcoming project. We’re using this not only to hold an archive of past issues but also as a subscription page.

How often will these updates be sent out?
There’s not a designated delivery date for the newsletters, it’s whenever there’s a piece of news that we would like to promote and share with those on the list. This can be game announcements, competitions, interviews, events, etc. We won’t spam you every time there’s a review but we might send you an email if there’s a collection of updates (screenshots, interviews, reviews etc).  We’re hoping to have some hardcore AW fans on here as well as some fans who are perhaps new to the series, so the intention is to get the right balance to appeal to everyone.

Do I need to sign in blood?

We prefer you don’t, blood is very difficult to get off computer monitors, and we don’t have enough money to provide screen wipes to everyone! As for the newsletter, you can opt out any time you want. WordPress puts a “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of all emails sent out, so you don’t feel pressured to continually follow us.

NOTE: This is an unofficial newsletter arranged by The Sudden Stop (AW fansite).

Screenshots above by the incredible, Dead End Thrills.


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.