Games Done Quick start off the year strong, with their first charity livestream of 2025 in the first week!By the end of the broadcast, the team raised a staggering $2,556,305 for the Prevent Cancer Foundation, a US-based non-profit focused on cancer prevention and early detection. The seven-day event kicked off on January 5th and featured approximately 130 adventures, including Alan Wake 2.
On the Monday, SweetPeebs, ateatree, Nichole Goodnight and suavepeanut took on Alan Wake 2's expansion, Night Springs, followed by The Lake House run as a funded challenge. The event is centred around speed running, a challenge that tasks players with getting through an aspect or the full game in the shortest time possible, which often includes exploiting bugs. For Night Springs, the team competing it in (0:34:46), with the time halved for The Lake House (0:16:34).
In The Lake House, the runners used a bug which allows them to interact with the lift from the outside, saving vital time.
Following the two successful runs, Remedy posted on Bluesky stating “, the Lake House development team found out that you CAN actually interact with the elevator from the outside... and immediately decided that's not something that will be fixed. You're welcome 💙.”