Earlier this month, IGDA Game Accessibility SIG held their first GAconf Europe remote event. The conference was a huge success and featured two days of lectures from developers across the globe who have worked on titles or researched accessibility within the industry.
Included in the mix was Vida Starčević's talk "Putting the Assist Mode in Control" where she revealed that it was following feedback from players and regular weekly meetings within the Control team that led to the creation of the Assist Mode. In the lecture, she also talked about how the team responded to complaints over the intense difficulty of the game, but instead of inserting an easy mode, wanted to provide ways to tailor the experience, without impacting trophies or achievements. The studio also made the decision not to advertise the Assist Mode within the game, but include it in update notes.
Accompanied by a slideshow, Vida also revealed a number of interesting statistics including that 64% of players (excluding Control Ultimate Edition owners) tried the mode, with Immortality being the community's favourite feature with 23% selecting it, particularly at the end of the game. (24% of players also tried every option available.)

23rd April 2021
Vida Starčević talks Control's Assist Mode at GAconf
You can see Vida's full lecture below or on the IGDA GASIG YouTube channel, HERE.