Last night, Remedy held their third Control livestream, this time focusing on the game's impressive visual effects!
Vida Starčević (Associate Community Manager) hosted the hour-long stream and was joined by fellow developers, James Tottman (Senior VFX Artist) and Elmeri Raitanen (Lead VFX Artist).
New gameplay was shown during the broadcast, which emphasised the manipulation and destruction of the environment. The livestream closed with an interesting behind the scenes look at some of the tools involved, a cool aspect which is rarely showcased in developer livestreams.
As always, you can catch the full broadcast on their channel or below! And if you missed the previous broadcast, which looked at gameplay and story, you can catch up on the ControlRemedy channel, HERE.
Normal Twitch viewers can check out the broadcast up to fourteen days after it aired, whereas Twitch Partners and Turbo subscribers can view it up to sixty days after it aired. Although recent broadcasts have been added to the ControlRemedy YouTube channel, if you missed them.

24th April 2019
Watch Last Night's Control VFX Livestream Here!
[Updated With YouTube Link]