There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

6th February 2019
Courtney Hope Community Q&A on Discord
Ask Your Questions! [7th February Deadline] CLOSED

Control's lead actor, Courtney Hope, will be answering fan questions during her stay in Helsinki. Questions are currently being collected via the #control-general channel on the Official Control Discord.

Deadline for questions is 7th February at 10am GMT (12pm EET).

Getting Started on the Official Control Server
Getting started on Discord is pretty easy as you can set up a free account in just a couple of minutes. When you join the server, you will have to wait ten minutes until your account becomes unlocked. For new accounts joining the Discord, you will need to join the FBC Agents team before you're able to post and join the discussions. Getting there is pretty simple, just type ".iam FBC Agents" (on its own and without quotation marks) into the text box of the #roles channel. You should be all ready to go then!

If it doesn't go through, it might be because you typed "agent" instead of "agents", converted "iam" to "im", went back to edit your post after noticing a typo, or (I did this originally) put the group name in the same post as my pronoun. I've confirmed a few accounts over the weekend that was just missing out a letter, so if you have any queries or issues, let one of the community team or mods know. If there is a typo, that's no problem, just post it again.

Other Remedy Communities
There's also a number of wonderful community Discord servers already established with a closely knitted group of fans looking for new members. These channels include Kristy's Alan Wake server, Charlie's Quantum Break server, and the Control community server.


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.