There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

31st December 2018
A Letter of Thank Yous [2018]

2018 has been an eventful twelve months full of highs and lows. 

For Remedy, it's been a pretty hectic year, with the announcement of Control (previously known as "P7"), wrapping up work on CROSSFIRE 2, the continuation of their partnership with Smilegate on new adventures, the move to a new custom-made studio, the return of Alan Wake to digital marketplaces, the collaboration between Remedy and Contradiction Films to bring an Alan Wake TV series to life, the final Quantum Break patch being published, and a lot more.

Our proper traditional Year In Review wrap up will come tomorrow but for the final post of the year  I want to give a shoutout to some of the amazing people who have made the past twelve months better!


Of course, we couldn't write about these past twelve months without talking about the CROSSFIRE and Control projects. A huge thank you to everyone who have worked tirelessly to complete these projects, and especially to those who hung out with the community. I'm really looking forward to playing the studio's next adventures.

A special thank you to members of the Control media team including Lucas, Thomas, Vida, and all the wonderful developers active in the community too including Anna, Eevi, Juha, Sam, and Lennie. You all rock!

Quantum Break Screenshot by

Familiar Faces

Thank you to Patrick at PayneReactor for the constant support and friendship throughout the year. As the site nears it's big double decade milestone, I am so proud of the work that he and Kristian (the site's original owner) have put into the project, and for establishing and maintaining one of the earliest Max Payne community hubs. It's been a pleasure to be asked to contribute to some of the articles that Patrick has written this year, as his unwavering enthusiasm and passion for games and the industry is so tangible. 

Thank you to Fran at Comunidad Remedy whose website actually also saw its third anniversary earlier this month! Originally launched in the lead up to Quantum Break, he has also covered Max Payne anniversaries, the Control reveal, and much more this year. He's always there to provide support and he's a wonderful friend.

Thank you also to the Twitter channel, MaxPayneFanPage for being brilliant! They're the amazing page which got this year's Max Payne 2 giveaway off the ground by getting everyone together. They are just the loveliest.

Finally thank you to fansite, Monarch-Solutions, a collaborative project run by a number of amazing fans including Charlie and Erika. It's been really wonderful talking to you both this year, and I love that you're keeping the site alive with new content! The community wouldn't be the same without it.

Shoutout to more brilliant fansites in the community: Quantum Break Wiki, Alan Wake Wiki, Mr Scratch Facebook Page, Alan Wake Discord, Quantum Break DiscordAlan Wake's American Nightmare, MaxPayneEBooks and Ask-Alan-Wake!

New Faces

We saw a number of new community groups open this year including Katerina's wonderful Remedy Entertainment deviantArt group which had over two thousand visitors in the past eight months alone! The group is lovingly run by Katerina (SeaCat2401) who not only creates amazing pieces herself but who has a clear passion and love for the artwork created by the community.

Another community group to start up this year was the Control Discord channel established by jackkmart, and moderated by Icypaw1 and tsunderekatsu. It's a wonderful community with a brilliant setup allowing fans to check new reddit posts and announcements via the Remedy and Control Twitter on it's automated and dedicated channels. In addition to the Control community Discord, a number of the moderators there also work on the Control fan Reddit and the Control Wikia pages, another two new channels with thriving communities.

Shoutout to more brilliant new places in the community: Tom the Poet the Fanbook, MAX PAYNE PortugalIs Alan Wake 2 Announced, and Matthew Porretta (French Fan Page).

Quantum Break Screenshot by

Community Spotlights

This year we had a community spotlight for (almost) each month, included in this list of brilliant artists and creators are: Rotorri, Patrick, Fraser, Melissa, Acedhampir, Clara, Beavers-LodgeKate, and Holly.

We also featured artwork from Carla, Blu_Frame, Emme-Gray, Ette_Lette, @Ag_Aageerm_ilo, Evil-Owl-Loki, Kopfstoff, havok in the Control Community Creations Part One and Part Two articles. 03roku and trenchiikoat in our Deerfest Community Wrap Up. And in our Inktober 2018 wrap up, we had Jack Lennon, tacoaldanaco, toartishumantopostdivine, punkheart11, babiercolin, maciejkrzywda, munroniart, lvd_creations, tadoryart, bungcarol, otakoma69, and luca.giordan.5.

This year close friend, Kristy (InvisibleRain) released her first book called A Modern Myth under the pseudonym, Clara Wake. It's been a long-time dream of her to become a publish author and I'm so proud that she made 2018 her year.

Thank you to Evil-Owl-Loki, Dasha, 03roku, Gruvu, and rm_ilo for all the gorgeous artwork throughout the year!

Alessa and Katerina are both names who I have to mention as their support has gone above and beyond this year. Their love and kindness has meant so much to me, and they've made the year so much better. Katerina has always been supportive and just a pleasure to talk to, she's seriously wonderful! (Also her artwork rocks!) Alessa is an absolutely lovely pen pal and someone who has helped me after the death of my Nan earlier in the year, which has meant a lot to me.

Additional Thank Yous

Thank you to DeadEndThrills for their stunning Alan Wake and Quantum Break screenshots. To Ann, Robert Scott Bean, GhostInTheGlass, Justin, Aleoo, for the ongoing support. To Mister No Life for his Max Payne retrospectives. DOS Game Podcast for their stunning Death Rally Podcast.

Thank you to Raúl, Haley, Sophie, Tim, Zowie, Alysha, Ramon, Gosin, Sandy on Facebook, and Dasha, Alfred, Imber Noctis in Twitter for all the support. Whenever I see any of your names appear on my screen it always makes me smile.

From outside the community, thank you so much to Kelly of Tomb Raider Horizons and Team Ahsoka for all of our conversations. And to Stella of Stella's Tomb Raider Walkthroughs for the brilliant advice in our New York Comic Con guide.

Thank you to family for tolerating me randomly going off in weird Remedy-themed topics.

And of course, all of you reading this. You rock!
See you in the new year!


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.