There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

16th July 2018
GamesIndustry.Biz: How Remedy Is Taking Control Of Its Own Destiny [Interview with Tero Virtala, Remedy's CEO]

Remedy's CEO, Tero Virtala, recently spoke to about Control's IP, how the new franchise marks a new step in the studio's history, and the importance of going multi-platform.

In the piece, comparisons are made to the developer's previous IPs, including Alan Wake (developed in collaboration with Microsoft which, while they don't own the IP, own console exclusivity), and Quantum Break (which is owned completely by Microsoft). Control is an IP owned by Remedy, with 505Games providing publishing (digital and retail worldwide) and marketing services, as well as partial funding (€7.75 million), in return for 45% royalties on net sales. [Source: Press Release: 505 Games Signed "P7" Publishing Deal]

While there are comparisons, there are also similarities; both of the previously mentioned IPs set up the story to continue in potential sequels. In addition to getting the right IP and publishing deals for Control, Tero expands on the importance of creating long-term brands, "if you want to create a memorable story, it's not just a story, it's the characters, their background story, their motives, and the locations. In order to create these worlds, characters and stories, it's a huge investment of really high quality people that are really hard to find and those typically provide a basis for long-term franchises, long-term brands in which you could put multiple games."

Read Tero's full interview with, HERE.


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




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