There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

5th April 2017
Quantum Break's 1st Anniversary Celebrations
[Day Wrap-Up]

Today marks Quantum Break's anniversary! It's been a year since the game launched on XBOX One and Windows 10 and to commemorate the occasion, Remedy and the fan community have been publishing new articles and artwork throughout the day.

Early this morning, Remedy published a new article which featured new statistics on player behaviour and achievements. They also set up a Spotify channel (also linked in the article), where you can listen to playlists of songs featured in the game and dozens more which inspired it. As well as a new website update, the developers released a new video which looked back at the first reveal of gameplay footage.

In addition to the company page celebrating the anniversary, a few developers and publishers posted about the launch. Sam Lake (Creative Director at Remedy) uploaded a photo to Instagram, featuring the Utah statue with a party hat. Across the ocean, Josh Stein (Quantum Break's Community Manager at Microsoft Studios), celebrated the occasion with puns(!) and a shot of his themed office

In the community, fans went crazy, with tons of new Quantum Break fan artwork being published today! 

If you follow us on Twitter, you may have seen a work-in-progress gif that Carla (@TotecTripled) had created. Today she finished it and it looks incredible! You can check it out above. 

Katerina (@SeaCat2401) also created a beautiful piece of Quantum Break fan art for the occasion, featuring Jack using his time powers. If you've been active in the Alan Wake community lately, you may have seen her artwork on deviantArt, she's created so many great pieces. 

Robert Scott Bean (@TheWorldofRBS) published a Quantum Break themed video on his Instagram to celebrate the occasion, attatching a sweet love letter of sorts to the game in the description. 

Milo (@rm_ilo) is another name that you see a lot in the community. For the anniversary, she created a series of gorgeous new fan art featuring Jack and Beth. Her work has a distinctive and impressive style so it was great seeing new creations from her for the event!

Charlie (@CMDonovann) created a carefully constructed collage/birthday card featuring several key characters from the game. Not only does it look professional but it's very attractive too! 

Gaith goes by many names in the community like Arts-And-Frights or Rewind Disaster. For the anniversary, they posted a series of wonderful William Joyce fan art on Tumblr and they look incredible

Fellow forum moderator, Maniac recently posted a thread on the Remedy forums asking the community for their favourite Quantum Break related moment. (If you haven't joined the RMD boards yet, we'd love to have you join the community there!)

And in case you missed it earlier, we published an article about five unused concepts from Quantum Break's development. It was a lot of fun researching and a slight mad rush to get everything done in time while fighting the remainder of my cold but I'm really glad it's up and I hope you guys like it. :) 


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.