There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

6th March 2017
Remedy's Developer Interview Series Continues
(w. Heli Salomaa)

Remedy published their latest developer interview on their site today. Thomas Puha, Head of Communications and organiser for the recent feature spoke to Heli Salomaa, the Costume Designer at Remedy.

Heli's role at Remedy is both simple and all encompassing. In short: she designs the outfits that the characters wear. But with that role, there's a heavy focus of game design specific programs, and research into the background of the characters; looking at what influences they would have.

It's a really interesting piece on a side of game development that we don't hear about very often. So, make sure to check out interview on the Remedy site, HERE.

The interview with Heli is part three of an ongoing feature, check out the archive on the official forums, HERE.


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.