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16th August 2016
GDC Europe 2016 / Remedy Speakers

Today marks the second and final day of GDC in Cologne, Germany, before the start of Gamescom on Wednesday.

Two speakers from Remedy will be doing lectures this afternoon about building Quantum Break. The first is Towards Cinematic Quality, Anti-Aliasing in Quantum Break by Tatu Aalto with the second being D: Using An Emerging Language in Quantum Break by Ethan Watson. Both will be recorded on video for the GDC Vault.

D: Using An Emerging Language in Quantum Break
Speaker: Ethan Watson (Senior Generalist Programmer, Remedy Entertainment)
Time: 13:15 - 14:15
Location: Europasaal, 1st Level

Can you use D to make games? Yes. Has it been used in a major release? It has now. But what benefits does it have over C++? Is it ready for mass use? Does treating code as data with a traditional C++ engine work? This talk will cover Remedy's usage of the D programming language in Quantum Break and also provide some details on where we want to take usage of it in the future.

Takeaway: Knowledge of a realistic alternative to C++, real world usage, enthusiasm for the language and wondering what the possibilities could be for your own usage.

Intended Audience: Targeted towards programmers, both gameplay and engine. Knowledge of C++ is required, C# knowledge desirable (as D has more in common with C# than C++).
For more information, click HERE.

Towards Cinematic Quality, Anti-Aliasing in Quantum Break
Speaker: Tatu Aalto (Senior Graphics Programmer, Remedy Entertainment)
Time: 15:05 - 15:30
Location: Congress Saal 3, 4th Level

'Quantum Break' was shipped with a light pre-pass rendering engine, where geometry buffers are drawn with 4xMSAA. In this presentation Tatu will go over how to first reduce geometry data using clustering, then calculate lighting on smaller amount of samples, and lastly how to scale back to MSAA image. In addition, this talk will go over Remedy Entertainment's approach to temporal anti-aliasing, where previous four frames are combined for upscaled final image and how this leads us to using sequential noise patterns in sampling volumetric lighting and reflections.

Takeaway: This talk will give attendees fresh new ideas for implementing good quality anti-aliasing on their own projects. It also aims to raise a discussion on techniques, aiming for varying sampling, rate rendering in general.

Intended Audience: This presentation deep dives into modern graphics algorithms, so audience should be familiar with rendering techniques used in games. Tatu expects attendees who will gain the most useful information to be graphics programmers, or generalist programmers that are familiar with rendering techniques.

For more information, click HERE.


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.