There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

4th April 2016
[ENDED] Win a Copy of Quantum Break! [Courtesy of XBOX]
Quantum Break (Very) Quick Photoshop Competition

To celebrate the release of Quantum Break tomorrow, we're giving away two XBOX One codes for the game, courtesy of XBOX.

As we have two codes, we're splitting them into two competitions. The first [this one] starts right now, and will end tomorrow, so the winner will have the opportunity to play the game on launch day. It also gives you little bit more time to do something creative!

If creative's not your thing, there will be a giveaway starting tomorrow, with the winner selected randomly from all entries. Those that enter today's competition will automatically also be entered into tomorrow's competition, so no need to enter twice! 
Quantum Break is a sci-fi / action game, developed by Remedy Entertainment and published by Microsoft Studios.

In the game, you play as Jack Joyce, who obtains time powers in the wake of a failed science experiment at Riverport University. The experiment also leads to serious consequences, fracturing time itself and bringing about its end. Your mission is to prevent that from happening. The title blends gameplay with a live action show (produced by Lifeboat Productions), with a transition called "Junction Moments" where you play as the game's antagonist, Paul Serene and chose which future comes to pass. 

The game is out on Tuesday 5th April 2016 for XBOX One and Windows 10.

How to Enter:

If you've been following The Sudden Stop for a while, you may have notice that every now and again we post a terrible Photoshopped images of Quantum Break. Most involve cats. (Personally, my favourite photograph to use is of Mr Hatch and Serene monitoring the d12 of Science, it's just perfect for photo manipulation.)

To have a chance of winning a copy of Quantum Break for the XBOX One, I want to see your terrible Photoshops. They don't have to be perfectly incorporated, we're looking for more like Sharknado photo editing here. You could have an entry which incorporates a meme or silly hats or a random time travelling llama.

Link to Quantum Break images:

Note: Obviously please keep entries BBC primetime appropriate.
Second Note: Owning Photoshop isn't a requirement, any photo editing software will do including Microsoft Paint or Paint.NET

An entry example of this could be:
Ahhh, Pancake Cat. I love you, Pancake Cat. Of course, I have no doubt that you can come up with something much more interesting. Have fun with the topic, go crazy! 

Where to send your entry!

When you are ready to send your entry in, you can do so in a number of different ways:
     -   Tweet your entry to @TheSuddenStop (Best Way!) 
     -   Post a link in the comments below.
         (Please make sure to link to a social media page so I can contact you.)
     -   Send me an email at: 
          alanwakethesuddenstop (at) gmail (dot) com
          with the header "Quantum Break Photoshop Entry"
     -   Leave your entry on the site's Facebook page.

The closing date for all entries will be 18:00 (UK / BST) on Tuesday 5th April 2016!

How the winner will be picked:

For this competition there will be one (1) winner. (There's another code for Quantum Break coming later, so if you don't win, there's another opportunity. If you participate in today's competition you will automatically be entered into the giveaway starting tomorrow.) The winning entry will be selected for being the most unique or the most interesting.

The winner will be contacted as soon as possible. Competition closes Tuesday 5th April 2016 at 18:00 UK Time (BST). 

Now for the boring but necessary fine print:

     1.   You can enter as many times as you want, there is no limit for this first competition.
     2.  This is open worldwide, but restrictions may apply on countries with limits on internet competitions.
     3.  No cash prize alternative will be available.
     4.  You must be over the Quantum Break age rating in your country to enter this competition.
     5.  A new winner may be picked if the first does not respond to the message. Although this is only a last resort after a week with reminders and alternative methods of communication e.g. through social media posts.
     6.  Please note, the codes were provided by XBOX with the intention that they'd be used in a fansite competition or giveaway. While the prizes are courtesy of the company, this is an unofficial fan event.
     7. The end date for this specific competition is Tuesday 5th April 2016 at 18:00 UK Time (BST)
     8. Those who enter this competition will automatically be entered into tomorrow's giveaway. No additional entry needed!

Best of luck to all those that enter. I look forward to checking out the entries! Thanks also to Josh at XBOX for the codes. :)


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The Quantum Break Series

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Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.