There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

6th February 2016
GDC Schedule CA 2016 / Remedy Lectures

A few guys from Remedy will be travelling to GDC next month to take part in a variety of lectures throughout the week.

First up is Mikko Rautalahti (Story Team Manager at Remedy) who will be doing a lecture on thinking and writing stories in different languages. Mikki grew up in Finland, obviously learning Finnish as his first language but also learnt English from growing up with "comic books, Star Trek and RPG". In recent years, he has written for games (Alan Wake, Quantum Break), movies (Imaginaerum) and comic books (Iron Sky, the Alan Wake comics).

Thinking and Writing in Different Languages:
Date: TBD / Time: TBD

Being a writer for a game is not easy. The necessity of your existence is often questioned as the rest of your team mates secretly think that they all can do whatever ythey think you're doing. And just as our heroes feel like things are changing for the better... Meet non-US writers whose native tongue just happens to be a completely different language than the de facto industry standard English is. This panel will focus on the unique challenges of being a non-US based game writer. Our diverse cast of speakers will answers questions about the advantages and disadvantages of being born in another country where the culture and language might be completely different.

While industry veterans will learn about the unique ways these writers work, newcomers to our industry will come to understand how, despite obvious difficulties these people were able to get into the games business and produce great writing for their games.

Mikki will also be joined by: Fasih Sayin (Game Designer, Crytek), Jonas Wæver (Creative Director, Logic Artists), Ralf Adam (Executive Producer, Flaregames), Pawel Miechowski (Senior Writer, 11 bit Studios) and Arthur Protasio (Creative Director, Fableware.)

For more information, follow THIS link to the GDC page.

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Advanced Graphics Techniques Tutorial Day: Developing The Northlight Engine: Lessons Learned
Date: TBD / Time: TBD

The second Remedy GDC lecture is by Ville Timonen who joined Remedy as a Graphics Programmer after receiving a phD in Computer Science. His role focuses on rendering algorithms, high performace graphics and computation. He will be speaking about Remedy's in-house game engine, Northlight.

Northlight is Remedy Entertainment's in-house game engine which powers Quantum Break. In this presentation we discuss how various rendering performance and efficiency issues were solved with DirectX, and suggest design guidelines for modern graphics API usage.

How to write a fast and efficient DirectX 12 engine, taking advantage of the new programming model and HW capabilities. Learn about new techniques, enabled by DirectX 12, from NVIDIA, AMD and leading game developers.

Intended Audience
Graphics Engineers, CTO's, Technical Leaders, Advanced Technical Artists


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.