There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

3rd June 2015
Matias Myllyrinne (CEO at Remedy) Announces Departure from Studio

After fifteen years at the company Matias Myllyrinne (CEO at Remedy) announced his departure from the studio today. His will be joining the team at Wargaming. Speaking to in an exclusive interview, Matias revealed that after his departure in a few weeks, Markus Mäki will step into an executive chairman role.

The news comes shortly after Oskari's departure, which could have some fans worried about the studio and Quantum Break. However Matias also addresses any concerns in the interview, saying "We have a seasoned management team and the business is in steady hands." and "It is not reliant on any one person or charisma; it is a sustainable system with clear principles".

Read his interview with, HERE.

We wish Matias all the best for the future! 

His message on the official Remedy site:

This year marks the 20th anniversary for Remedy and 15 years for me with the studio. I’ve been with Remedy since 1999 – this is a long time. It is time for me to move on. It has been a great ride and now is the right time to start another adventure. Remedy will be an unbelievably tough act to follow.

I’m humbled by the continued support of our audience and fans. It has sustained us in times of struggle and gives meaning to the work we do here every day.

We have all grown up with games that have touched our hearts and left an imprint on our soul. It is these moments that we want to create for our fans… these lasting emotional impressions that stay with us for years. This is our mission, to build games with character that could not be built anywhere else.

The studio is in good standing and will go on to great things. Quantum Break looks amazing and the team is working hard to build it into the game that you deserve. It will be worthy of the Remedy brand.

We are yet to see Remedy’s best game. Remedy and the fans will always have a place in my heart. Thank you!

Matias Myllyrinne
(Soon-to-be former CEO


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.