There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

9th February 2015
Rumour: Quantum Break's Live Action Series Now Being Filmed In Atlanta

A few days ago, Project Casting posted news that Quantum Break's live action episodes were currently being filmed in Atlanta, Georgia. In addition to that information, a second post was made on their site for a casting call for the show . The show is also referred to by the name, "Quest".

Source: Project Casting.

According the the casting call, which states Marinella Hume Casting as the company behind the auditions, they are asking for extras in roles as hospital patients, security guards, bartenders and doctors, just to name a few. It also asks for information on your car as it may be included in filming, but considering the level of destruction and Remedy's passionate hatred for cars as seen in the Quantum Break gameplay, weeeellll....

At the moment, Remedy hasn't confirmed when or where the live action episodes will or have filmed, or if casting is taking place right now. We also don't know at what stage the filming is at. As soon as something as there's an official statement, I'll make sure to post it on here!

Quantum Break will blend intense action gameplay with live action episodes, the two are designed to be consumed in the order presented to the Player. However if you chose, you can save the live action scenes for later. The two will be released in one package.


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.