There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

26th May 2013
Poets of the Fall Competition Winners

The three winners from our recent Poets of the Fall competition have now been picked and contacted. Thank you to everyone who entered and those who helped spread the word about the event. It was a really tough competition as there were so many beautiful and personal photos. It was so great seeing how many people have been inspired by  the band and by their music. While multiple entries were allowed in the competition, there can be only one photo which could win a prize, and one prize per person.

If you didn't win, don't worry, there will be more POTF competitions in the future!

First Place Winner: Andrea

Winning photo
Andrea's photos are not only incredibly creative but also incredibly beautiful. The photo above is inspired by Carnival of Rust, but there are also elements of Twilight Theater in there too. The combination and blend results in a stunning photo with undertones of foreboding.

Check out some of Andrea's other entries below: 
(Inspired by Everything Fades, Carnival of Rust, and Dawn)

Runner Up #1: Doreen

As soon as I saw Doreen's entry, I immediately fell in love with it. I love the soft colours and the simple, yet elegant design of the work...I'm also slightly jealous of the neat handwriting. The photograph is inspired by Clevermind's lyrics:

Look the leaves are dead.
The moments gone, there's no surrender.
Forever now unsaid
the words that might've warmed December.

Time isn't made for waiting.
Past isn't worth debating.

Just need a new direction.
A new beginning, a new beginning.

See me running, see me running.

Runner Up #2: Nataly
Winning Photo
Our other runner up is Nataly, with her utterly beautiful cosplay photos! Inspired by Can You Hear Me and Locking Up the Sun, she has recreated the vibe, meaning as well as the images from the music videos perfectly! She's also one of the most talented cosplayers I've seen!

Here's some of her other entries:

Congratulations to all of the winners!
If you didn't win this time, there will be opportunities in the not too distant future.
It was a really tough competition; I actually had to stay up until 5am today trying to pick the final three.

Thank you to everyone who entered!


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.