There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

14th December 2012
Alan Wake Christmas Cards

After the recent stream of confectionery products, I wanted to do something a little different; to make cards for two awesome people who have helped me with the site over the past 10 months. So I had an evening to get these made, written out, and sent out before the Royal Mail Christmas delivery cut off date, which I hopefully caught just in time! I also wanted to have the cards for today's article; so it all worked out quite nicely!

Things I Used:
Blank Cards
Glitter Glues
PVA Glue/Glue Stick
Crêpe Paper
Black Paper


I cut the black paper so it would fit onto the blank cards and still have a 2cm gap at the top and bottom, with around half a centimetre on the other two sides. I then measured and cut three equal squares out of the rough purplely (scientific terms are scientific) paper and three smaller squares to act as the second layer. I quite liked the different material/textures, so I wanted the card's design to revolve around them.

At the time, I thought it would be a good idea to use PVA glue but it was quite tricky to work with. The middle square (in the above image) was made out of a material similar to tissue paper, allowing some of the glue to soak through.. Additionally, the PVA made the card dry a little funny in the end, it wasn't too bad...Hopefully...And if it is, I'll blame it on the postal service.

The panels looked a little strange being in a single line, especially as it made the card look a little blank. After I sorted out the order and stuck everything down, it looked like this...

As it was an Alan Wake themed card, I wanted to have each square to house a small image from the games. So I chose the gun, the flashlight and the secret symbol, which I drew using glitter glue.

(If you've played the games a lot, you may have noticed that the "secret symbol" looks a little strange as the curve doesn't go on the outside. I corrected it as soon as I noticed the mistake.)

With the card only needing to dry, I put it up safely and began work on the...


This one was a little more tricky. It was originally quite different; a silhouette of Wake in crêpe paper with black paper in the background. Wake would be holding a flashlight which would have a beam made out of grey tissue paper shining on the words "Merry Christmas" in silver glitter...However, it's extremely difficult to do...In my defence, I tried about four times before coming up with another idea.

The new idea started with the "secret symbol" being the main focus.

It looks a little rough at the moment, but this was sorted out with the help of metallic silver gel pens in the final stages.

Next, I used three different textures and shades of purple paper to create six blocks that would circle the secret symbol.

I added silver glitter to frame the six blocks and symbol. It looked a little strange when I first put it on and even more so with the lighting in the photo, but the glitter became less prominent once it dried...Which I was quite relieved about.

Like with the first card, I added a couple of Alan Wake symbols in the bottom three panels; a coffee thermos, a torch and a gun. This time the designs were made out of paper rather than the glitter glue.

Both cards had dried by the following day allowing me to add a couple of details in metallic silver pen such as the border on the "secret symbol"

Time Taken: 6 Hours

See you on Monday!


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.