My name is Jaden, and I run this site. I'm a student in London who is thankfully on the final stretch before finishing school. I do a number of gaming projects in my spare time, usually my school life and gaming life never crosses over mainly because they never quite work when they do. However in my spare time I managed this site along with two others.
Guns and Grapple is another fansite I own which is dedicated to Tomb Raider, it focuses on news and articles and I've had it for about three years now. TR was really the first proper game I've played, and I've stayed with the series for over a decade now. The site is also where I learnt how to write HTML, my school taught it a few years ago, but didn't do a very good job. I was determined to make G&G so I learnt how to do it so I could make the site
The other is Level Up which is a promotional site for a book of the same name. The book is for charity and it features articles from people in the video game industry about a variety of topics ranging from motion capture to art direction and voice acting to music. All the profits generated goes to the Child's Play Charity, it's an amazing charity which helps provide games and entertainment to children in hospital so they can enjoy themselves more.

About Me